Gambling - and advertising. Parliamentary Briefing


16 Dec

The rules on gambling advertising are designed to ensure that the under-18s and other vulnerable persons are not harmed or exploited by advertising that features or promotes gambling.

Gambling and betting operators advertising to British customers must comply with the Advertising Codes administered by the Advertising Standards Authority. The Codes are designed to ensure that gambling adverts do not:

  • portray, condone or encourage gambling behaviour that is socially irresponsible or could lead to financial, social or emotional harm
  • exploit the susceptibilities, aspirations, credulity, inexperience or lack of knowledge of children, young persons or other vulnerable persons
  • suggest that gambling can be a solution to financial concerns
  • link gambling to seduction, sexual success or enhanced attractiveness
  • be of particular appeal to children or young persons, especially by reflecting or being associated with youth culture
  • feature anyone gambling or playing a significant role in an advert if they are under 25 years old (or appear to be under 25)

Gambling operators must also comply with an Industry Code for Socially Responsible Gambling, revised in August 2015.

This recently issued Parliamentary Briefing looks at and summarises the current position.

Source: House of Commons Library

Law correct at the date of publication.
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